Prof. Danny Altmann

10. Principal Investigator Prof. Danny Altmann.png

Principal Investigator 

Organisation/Institute: Imperial College London


Supervisor of ESR 9

Danny Altmann is Professor of Immunology and runs a research lab based at the Hammersmith Hospital site of Imperial College London, focusing on HLA genes, T cells and NK cells in autoimmunity, cancer and infectious disease. His research has attracted generous support from funders such as the Medical Research Council, BBSRC, Wellcome Trust, US NIH-NIAID, DARPA, Innovate UK, Versus Arthritis and the Multiple Sclerosis Society. The lab has a strong involvement in immunology in a global health setting, working in Africa, South America and SE Asia. Recent work has been on adaptive immunity in severe infection including Zika virus, Chikungunya virus, Burkholderia pseudomallei, Yersinia pestis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Bacillus anthracis.

A new programme from 2019 seeks to build a comprehensive picture of Burkholderia prevalence and immunity in the setting of Vietnam. Arbovirus studies on Zika and Chikungunya immunology are conducted with collaborating labs in Brazil, including Prof Rodrigo Stabeli (Fiocruz).

Prof. Altmann has worked as an ambassador and educator in immunology, training >20 PhD students from basic and clinical science including those from infectious disease, respiratory, rheumatology, renal and neurology. 

He is a Trustee of the Medical Research Foundation and has been one of the drivers in funding and establishment of the first national PhD studentship scheme in antimicrobial resistance. 

Lucy O'Reilly