María García Bengoa

8. ESR 8 Maria Garcia Bengoa.jpg


Project: Production and characterisation of fusion protein antigens with a focus on increased solubility for large membrane proteins

Organisation/Institute: LIONEX GmbH (Braunschweig, Germany)  

Supervisor: Prof. Mahavir Singh

I completed a Degree in Biology from the University of Oviedo (Spain) and a Master’s in Molecular and Cellular Biology from the University of Salamanca (Spain). I have always had a great interest in biomedical research with the aim of contributing to science and the improvement of human health. The knowledge and understanding of cellular processes and the study of virus-cell interactions always impressed me. My professional goals so far are to expand my knowledge in molecular and cellular biology, gain experience to develop research activities autonomously and complete a doctoral program in vaccine research.

I find vaccine research an interesting and effective field, which is why I wanted to be part of the BactiVax team. In addition, this program gives you the opportunity to work in a multidisciplinary environment that allows you to increase your knowledge and experience, and also to develop yourself professionally and personally. Therefore, my role in this program will be to produce and characterize fusion protein antigens with a focus on increased solubility for large membrane proteins and other biomarkers identified as vaccine candidates.